Going on a Bear Hunt Project
Today in Leanne’s group we extended our interest in maps and the bear hunt story. Off we went on a bear hunt around the village….luckily for us they were just pictures (although we think the bear in the story was sad at the end as he just wanted to make friends)…. We found numbered bears 1-8 hidden around the village…..we used a map with x marks the spot to help us…our map reading skills are pretty awesome When we returned to preschool we put the bear pictures in number order which led us too the treasure (that you won’t see as it was soon gobbled up pretty quickly)….All in all we had a great but very wet morning

Today we learnt about different sorts of maps, we used our bear hunt story map to help us read the story or the bear hunt. We then went onto looking a the map of Cornwall….slowly zooming in to find Calstock. We recognised lots from our community including preschool, the pirate ship park and the train station. We even found some of our houses as we zoomed even closer. We looked at the river and how it leads to the sea….”there are lots of corners”, we went onto make our own maps using different materials, Leanne was so impressed by the way really thought about what we put on our maps

Today in Leanne’s group we introduced ‘we’re going on a bear hunt’ story by discussing our story map, making our very own bears out of colourful clay and finishing off by playing the sleeping bear listening game

Room on the Broom project
Today in Leanne’s group we were very excited about the theatre trip on Monday….we counted forward to see how many sleeps we had left and engaged in a couple of witchy activities! We started off the session reading ‘room on the broom’ where the children showed they had great knowledge of the story. We then built our very own brooms out of lego thinking very carefully about who we would take on our broom and how many seats we would need, we also used a range of ingredients to make potions…..what a busy morning!

We then were lucky enough to go to see The Room of the Broom theatre show at the Theatre Royal in Plymouth